WDYDWYD Graphic Poems...
Most of these works were done prior to 2010, so it's a good place to start. A series of Graphic Poems, couched within the UCLA-based study: 'Why Do You Do What You Do?'. Distracted musings on the late Red Sky Poetry Theatre, some of the good folks I've worked with, Human Nature, and my states of mind in the wake of the Economic crash of 2008. Lot's of insights here.
A focused look at some of the smaller abstract Paintings, a Blog, and availability to purchase the pieces shown. A very striking looking site.
DEVIANT ART has come a long way, and I've been with them for several years. A good place to look if you are interested in purchasing work, or just familiarizing yourself with my visions. There's a lot of good work here, and I hope you will enjoy it.
Art-3000 Tobeimean Peter
"Sorceries" On this site I am gathering works of more Shamanic nature. Many of them approach the phenomena of Healing and By this I mean artworks that are concerned with magickal influencing of the world, and observations based on the presupposition that there are realms of experience beyond that of the conventional intake of the five senses. Much of this is based on "Chaos Magickal thought, although I am not an ideologist and reserve the artistic right of full interpretation based on my own nuances and ideas. For many reasons I am not including work which focuses on the Djinn of "The GOETIA," which can be found in great detail on my home website in the category of 'GOETIA."
Tobeimeanpeter - a Blog of Worded Ideas
Experiments in Poetry and images.
Experiments in Poetry and Juxtaposed Images.
A set of comic-book influenced images, and some older offerings as well.